Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Minimony vs Microwedding vs Elopment- Which is right for you?

As our restrictions are easing up and allowing for 10 persons to gather, you can look at the possibility of having your summer wedding.

Being in the wedding season, there are some new trends to keep love alive in the times of Covid-19. Couples are choosing more smaller guests list and intimate celebrations which has increased in popularity.

The latest type of nuptial introduced by The Knot is the "minimony" eventually followed by a sequel wedding.

Whilst a minimony, microwedding and elopment may sound familiar there are some differences.


With the current Covid-19 pandemic, the minimony is the latest wedding trend evolving.

It's exactly a mini ceremony held with your loved ones or simply a moment of commitment shared between yourselves. A minimony can include you and your partner and up to 10 persons. Brides can use technology to zoom or live stream the minimony for family and friends. The sequel wedding can be planned and held when the safety of such events are more certain.

This option allows couples to honour their wedding date and then bring their wedding vision to life later on.


A traditional wedding but with a guest list no more than 50 persons. This includes the couple's immediate family and only very close friends.

This differs from a minimony as it involves the entire wedding and reception.

The timeline is shorter than a larger wedding, quick ceremony and a more casual and relaxed reception.

This option if perfect for couples looking for a cross between an elopment and a large traditional wedding.


Traditionally considered spur of the moment and unplanned events involving an element of secrecy. It is planned and attended by the couple and a witness.

An elopment is planned quickly with a minimum level of extravagance.

Within recent times elopments has evolved due to couples wanting to be able to personalize more aspects of their wedding.

Still not sure which one is right for you? We're here to help you worriless! Send us an email at or Whatsapp/Call 868-764-3593 to set up your free online consultaation.

Minimony vs Microwedding vs Elopment- Which is right for you?

As our restrictions are easing up and allowing for 10 persons to gather, you can look at the possibility of having your summer wedding...